Where Are Ozone Filters Used?

Ozone is a chemical compound made up of three oxygen atoms. Ozone is a colorless gas with a pungent odor. Ozone is formed as a result of the combination of oxygen atoms with other oxygen molecules, which are produced when high-energy sunlight hits normal oxygen molecules.

Ozone is a colorless, pungent gas at room temperature. It is easily felt in high places or on the seashore after rainy, lightning or stormy weather. You can smell the sharp odor of ozone in high voltage transformers, high voltage lines, behind televisions, and photocopiers.
Ozone gas in the upper layer of the atmosphere acts as a shield protecting living things against the deadly ultraviolet rays of the sun. If the ozone layer did not exist, the sun’s radiation would reach the earth, causing genetic damage to living things. The blue appearance of the sky is also due to ozone gas.

  • What are the Benefits of Ozone?

  • Ozone is the strongest known oxidant,
    It does not harm the environment, it is environmentally friendly,
    It acts immediately,
    It leaves no residue,
    It is 3.125 times more effective than chlorine,
    Prevents their formation by destroying microorganisms,
    It prevents the formation of many bacteria that grow from the air,
    Does not contain chemicals,
    Eliminates waste from chemical substances,
    Instantly oxidizes odor, bacteria, mold, spores, germs and fungi,
    Safe to use in foods,
    Cannot be stored, produced at the place of use,
    It should be used in accordance with expert recommendations.