Mobile Ozone Units

Do you know that all inaccessible points in a room cleaned with ozone are free of all kinds of air pollutants? Ozone does not contain chemicals or poisons, leaves no residue.

What are the Benefits of Ozone?

  • Ozone is the strongest known oxidant,
  • It does not harm the environment, it is environmentally friendly,
  • Does not contain chemicals,
  • Does not leave residue or residue after use,
  • It is antibacterial.
  • It acts immediately, does not leave residue,
  • It is 3.125 times more effective than chlorine,
  • It prevents and destroys the growth of bacteria, mold, spores, germs and fungi.
  • It prevents the formation of many bacteria that grow from the air,
  • Eliminates waste from chemical substances,
  • Prevents the reproduction of pests and pests,
  • Safe to use in foods,
  • Cannot be stored, produced at the place of use,
  • Absolutely T.C. It should be used in accordance with the criteria of the Ministry of Health.

What is the Effect of Ozone on Disinfection?

It is written in international articles that ozone destroys odor molecules and microorganisms by breaking down the cell membrane.

In addition, ozone has a disinfection effect of 3.125 times stronger than chlorine under the same conditions, the ozone gas turns into oxygen, which is its raw material, without leaving any residual residue, in 30 minutes in an open atmosphere, 8-12 hours in a closed package, in order to quickly eliminate the effect of ozone. It has been explained by scientists that it is necessary to ventilate the environment.

How can we benefit from ozone?

We can answer this important question in two stages:

ZFX series mobile ozone units can be used in small volume areas.
ACX series active ozone units can be used in large volume areas.

Alp ZFX Series Mobile Ozone Systems

You can use Alp ZFX series mobile ozone units to purify your air from pollutants. When using mobile ozone units, T.C. It is very important that you use units that comply with the manufacturing and usage criteria of the Ministry of Health. While cleaning with ozone, there should not be any living creatures in the environment. In other words, ozonation should be done at intervals when there are no living things in the environment. The environment should be well ventilated during and after ozonation.

Usage of Alp ZFX Series Mobile Ozone Unit

Alp ZFX series mobile ozone devices are designed to purify the air and surfaces of your spaces from contaminants. They are portable devices weighing 3,000 – 3,600 grams. They work quietly.

Before starting to use;

  • Take out the living creatures in the environment.
  • Turn on the ozone device.
  • Ventilate the environment during and after ozonation.
  • To operate Alp ZFX series mobile ozone devices, simply turn on the on-off switch. It is very easy to use. It does not contain any chemicals or drugs. It uses the oxygen in the environment while producing ozone. It produces ozone by the corona discharge method. There are no consumable costs. They do not leave any residue after ozonation. They work with 220 volts of energy. Depending on the model, they consume 100 watts or 200 watts of energy. Their energy consumption is very low. There is a polyurethane dust filter in the air intake.

Is Ozone Gas Harmful to Human Health?

Ozone gas is obtained from the air we breathe or from pure oxygen. Due to its unstable structure, it turns into oxygen, which is its raw material, after completing its task. It is known that it is a natural disinfectant that does not leave any residue and is not harmful to human health if it is not inhaled. Since it is not possible to regularly measure the amount of ozone gas in any environment with today’s sensors, it should definitely not be inhaled to avoid damage.

There are some limitations to be aware of in the use of measurable ozone. It is recommended by the World Health Organization that the amount of ozone in human environments should not exceed 0.05 ppm. It has been pointed out that when exposed to ozone above this amount, health problems that start with irritation in the upper respiratory tract can be encountered.

EPA, OSHA, USDA and ACGIH organizations in the United States stated that 8 hours of exposure to 0.10 ppm ozone level does not have any adverse effects.

It will be sufficient to contact our company in order to meet all your technical and commercial demands regarding Alp mobile ozone units.

This product, which is available on our websites and which we offer to you, contains viruses, bacteria.
and elimination of the effect of all micro-organisms harmful to human health and
It was developed for the protection of human health.
Our products, which contain sterilization solution, are taken into account safety factors that may pose risks.
have been designed. User’s health safety, reflection shield, safety
controlled by switches and timing clocks.
Our sterilization products are highly effective for viruses and bacteria, but also for safety.
should be used in accordance with the instructions. Sterilization not used in accordance with safety instructions
Our products pose a danger to human health.
Sterilizers containing UV rays that are not used in accordance with safety instructions
leaves permanent damage to the skin.
Ozone-containing sterilization devices that are not used in accordance with safety instructions
It leaves permanent damage to the pathways and connected organs.
The effectiveness of sterilization products on our websites was analyzed. of our products
Its effect on viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms has been proven.
When choosing sterilization products containing UV rays or ozone, an efficacy analysis was made and
We recommend that you choose products that contain the necessary safety certificates.
Regarding the sterilization products containing UV and ozone, the Ministry of Health dated 02 August 2013
and within the scope of the biocidal product communiqué numbered 28726, which does not contain active substances.
Due to the fact that notification registration is mandatory, our company’s notification regarding the products within this scope
process continues.
Alperen Ltd Şti.

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