
The course of the pandemic in the world shows that viruses will be an integral part of our lives from now on. The news that viruses will exist for a very long time in the coming period, BBC News, “Coronavirus warning from the World Health Organization: The virus may never disappear like HIV!” gave with the title.

Considering the mutation processes, we now have to accept whether we like it or not, we must be prepared to live with pandemics and viruses for decades more. They will exist as long as humanity exists.

In the spread of viruses, two main forms of transmission have been known until today. The first of these is contamination by contact with objects with viruses. The second is the infection droplets spread by sneezing or coughing. However, in recent days, experts have determined that there is a third route of infection that cannot be explained by droplet infection, spread by “micro metric particles” and called “micro droplet infection”.

During any sneezing or coughing, droplets of about 1 millimeter in diameter form at first and they quickly fall to the ground. Later, droplets smaller than 0.01 mm, that is, 10 micrometer radius, drift through the air. These are micro droplets. When people speak loudly, they produce many micro droplets that hang in the air. These micro droplets contain a large number of viruses. You generate these micro droplets when you speak out loud or exhale strongly. People around you breathe this air and viruses are spread.

It has been approved by academic studies that ozone gas is much more powerful than other disinfectant methods in neutralizing viruses and bacteria. Ozone destroys the cell walls of micro-organisms and has a destructive effect on all known viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeasts and molds.

Ozone can be described as a compound formed by the combination of 3 oxygen atoms. It has a pungent odor. It is colorless. The oxygen molecule, which consists of two oxygen atoms, designated as O2, separates when exposed to high voltage and combines with the oxygen molecule to form the ozone (O3) formed by 3 atoms. Ozone is formed by high electrical power caused by lightning in rainy weather and makes itself felt by emitting a fresh scent. Ozone gas surrounds the top of the atmosphere, filters the sun’s ultraviolet rays and sends them to the world. It is the ozone gas that makes the sky appear blue. The ozone layer is very important for life on earth to survive.

Ozone cannot be stored because it dissolves and turns back into oxygen when it encounters oxygen. It must be produced where and when it is used. Since ozone gas is an unstable molecule, its oxidation power is very high.

Viruses are small, individual particles made up of crystals and macromolecules. Unlike bacteria, they reproduce only inside the host cell. Ozone penetrates the nucleic acid core through the protein coat, destroying viruses and damaging viral RNA. Ozone used in higher concentrations destroys the capsid or outer protein shell by oxidation.

Prof. Dr. Li Zelin showed that the SARS virus, which is from the same virus family as COVID, can be killed by ozone at 99.2%.
From this point of view, it is assumed that ozone can prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic in a similar way. Dr. In his clinical study in the city of Wilson Wuhan, he announced that ozone killed the SARS virus by 99%.

Dr. Rowen et al. Administered ozone therapy to 6 patients in the EBOLA virus outbreak in Africa in 2016. 6 of the 6 patients recovered completely.

Ozone therapy was applied to 17 patients with critical stage Covid3 in China and very rapid improvements were reported in these patients. In the intensive care unit where ozone therapy was applied, 5 out of 5 patients who were intubated were recovered and sent to their homes, and less serious patients had a complete recovery with ozone therapy.

Ozone therapist Dr. Olmeda suffered from Corona, sore throat, cough, muscle aches, anorexia, 40 degrees fever, increased heart rate and low oxygen saturation, and ozone treatment was initiated and recovered within 2 days.

It has been announced that Covid patients receiving ozone therapy in Italy recovered without the need for intensive care thanks to ozone therapy.
Ozone therapy was administered to 36 patients with respiratory failure and Covid-19 pneumonia at Santa María della Misericordia University Hospital in Udine, Italy.

At Udine University, 36 patients with pneumonia and respiratory distress regained their health thanks to ozone therapy, and only 1 patient had to be intubated in the intensive care unit. Dr. It is disassembled. Dismantled in Congress came to Turkey last year GETAT is a person who has made academic presentations.

Scientists have declared that ozone gas applications are the fastest, most accurate, environmentally friendly and economical solution among the advanced technology measures to be applied against viruses affecting the whole world.

Ozone is natural in all living areas such as shopping malls, hotels, hospitals, pharmacies, educational institutions, restaurants, cafes, offices, residences, transportation vehicles, on the basis of its characteristics such as being natural, not leaving chemical residues, destroying viruses in their places against micro droplet infection When used by paying attention to the application criteria, it will give effective and precise results.

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