
We spend an average of 70% of our time indoors at work and 20% at home. Viruses and bacteria found indoors pose serious health threats. Inappropriate ventilation systems used in buildings also bring serious health problems. The addition of problems in the ventilation systems that cause low air quality in buildings that are completely isolated for heat recovery, causes us to face serious health problems.

In order to ensure the air quality in the buildings, the spread of microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, etc. that cause discomfort in the respiratory tract should be prevented from spreading in indoor environments. When this is achieved, health and job loss problems caused by diseases such as allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, allergic eye fever, asthma, urticaria, eczema, Sars, Covid will be eliminated.

The air filters used today separate dust, particles and microorganisms from the air with extremely good performance according to their classes. However, these filters collect the pollutants they separate from the air on themselves. They cannot neutralize particles and microorganisms. Filters that accumulate pollutants on themselves should be considered as medical waste when they are changed in order not to cause unwanted health problems.

It is possible to neutralize bacteria and viruses in our living spaces with ozone. It is possible to purify the air in a closed space and all inaccessible points from bacteria and viruses with ozone. Active ozone does not contain chemicals or poisons, leaves no residue. It has a destructive effect on bacteria and viruses.

When active ozone is used in central air conditioning systems, the risk of infectious diseases in the ambient air is minimized and the formation of unwanted odors is prevented. Ozone cleans the air by neutralizing bacteria and germs in the air. During the ozonation process or after the ozonation process is completed, ozone molecules turn into oxygen with the ventilation of the environment. A feeling of freshness and well-being occurs in the environment. Thanks to this feature, ozone, unlike other disinfectant substances, does not leave waste and does not have the risk of creating by-products.
As a result of studies with ozone, thanks to ozone being a powerful oxidant, in water and air;

  • As a germ breaker
  • As an odor remover and
  • It has been tested that it can be used as a destructor of many organic molecules that pollute the environment.

It has been explained in many internationally published articles that ozone has a destructive effect on all known types of viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast and mold. For this reason, it is possible to purify the spaces from pollutants by applying active ozone to the ventilation units or air handling units of all areas such as residences, markets, shopping malls, plazas, hotels, hospitals, factories, educational institutions, production facilities.

Ozone is the strongest known oxidant. It does not harm the environment, it is environmentally friendly. It does not contain chemicals. It does not leave residue or residue after use. It is antibacterial. It acts immediately, does not leave any residue. It is 3.125 times more effective than chlorine. It prevents and destroys the growth of bacteria, mold, spores, germs and fungi. It prevents the formation of many bacteria that grow from the air. It destroys the wastes from chemical substances. It prevents the reproduction of pests and pests. It is safe to use in foods. Cannot be stored, produced at the place of use. One of the most important issues to be considered in the use of ozone is T.C. It is the use of the units manufactured on the basis of the criteria of the Ministry of Health according to the application instructions.

Ozone is used in many areas today. Instead of pre-chlorination in drinking water treatment plants, in filling water or rinsing water in drinking water bottling plants, COD oxidation in waste water, organic matter removal, ozonation + filtration in iron-manganese oxidation, oxidation of nitrite to nitrate, cyanide, phenol, nitrogen oxides, pesticides, chlorinated In the oxidation of toxic substances such as hydrocarbons, color removal in wastewater, optimization of biological treatability of wastewater and increasing the BOD / COD ratio, oxidation of odor-forming organics in the air, dosing of ozone instead of biocide in cooling towers, food, beverage, etc. made with CIP chemicals. in the cleaning of production lines in industries, in the circulation water of swimming pools, in fish-producing hatcheries, in poultry farms, in animal shelters, in chemical synthesis in the chemical industry, in the bleaching with chlor-chlorine dioxide in the paper industry, in the medical fields for treatment and protection, in the extension of the life of vegetables and fruits in cold storages, Ozone can be used in spice processing plants, food factories, removing pesticide residues, destroying mold, bacteria and similar microorganisms, removing burnt odor after fire and removing all kinds of unwanted odors.

Industrial active ozone units developed for ventilation and air handling units are very easy to install. They can be applied by connecting to the fresh air duct without any modification. With industrial ozone units, it is possible to protect people by giving ozone in low doses during working hours in closed areas, and to shock by giving ozone in dense doses after working hours.

The new technology ozone units, which are widely used in the world for increasing and protecting the air quality, which is an indispensable part of our lives, should be considered as an effective solution in terms of air and surface sterilization for all indoor spaces using central ventilation systems. Ozone units neutralize air pollution and microorganisms that occur on surfaces due to this pollution. These units can operate independently or be installed in ventilation systems.

With ozone units that can be easily installed in the air handling units or ventilation ducts of the buildings, it is possible to purify the air inhaled indoors from viruses and bacteria.