
Reducing the chimney emission and odor values ​​of Istanbul Arter Cultural Center to the official criteria foreseen


As an establishment of Vehbi Koç Foundation, Arter was operating in its building on İstiklal Caddesi between 2010 and 2018, and Alp Electrostatic Filtered Air Cleaning Plants were preferred for the solution of the chimney emission and odor problem in the new building in Dolapdere, which was opened on September 13, 2019. . Arter, which brought 35 exhibitions to its audience between 2010 and 2018 in its building on Istiklal Street, contributed to the visibility of contemporary art and also supported the production of 183 works within the scope of these exhibitions. Arter’s exhibitions were accompanied by speeches, performances and workshops with publications prepared specifically for each exhibition in terms of both content and design. In the building designed by Grimshaw Architecture, Arter brings art together with the large masses with the exhibitions created both inside and outside of its collection, as well as activities that bring different disciplines together, film and learning programs and publications.

The building, which has a total indoor area of ​​18,000 square meters, includes performance halls, learning and event areas, a library, a conservation laboratory, a bookstore focusing on art publications, and food and beverage areas, as well as exhibition areas. We would like to thank Arter, which aims to be an accessible, lively and sustainable culture and life platform for everyone with its program that will cover all disciplines of art, for choosing Alp electrostatic filter air cleaning plants with their understanding of aesthetics and quality.